Customer stories

How this Manufacturing Leader Cuts Reporting Time in Half Using Incorta

“With Incorta, we unified data from multiple ERPs in just six months, transforming our financial reporting and analytics capabilities. Accessing and analyzing live operational data in real time has been a game-changer, helping us make confident, data-driven decisions. Incorta’s no-ETL approach has really revolutionized our analytics journey.”

PlayPower, a global leader in commercial playgrounds and recreational structures, faced significant challenges through organic growth and multiple acquisitions. The company had inherited a fragmented ecosystem of multiple ERP and transactional systems – gaining a unified view of data across various brands and business units proved challenging. The lack of consolidated data made making informed, timely decisions challenging, impacting overall efficiency and agility.

Fragmented sources proved challenging for fast insights

PlayPower faced the challenge of integrating data from various sources, including 15 different ERP systems across 11 brands, each with its own unique configurations and accounting standards. This fragmentation created a complex environment where harmonizing data for accurate reporting and analytics was cumbersome and time-consuming. The company needed a solution that could unify these disparate data sources and provide real-time insights without disrupting existing operations.

Harmonizing disparate data sources with Incorta 

PlayPower chose Incorta as its analytics platform, leveraging its no-ETL approach to streamline data ingestion, transformation, and harmonization. The implementation began with a focus on revenue analytics, allowing PlayPower to consolidate and standardize key business metrics across different brands and systems. This phased approach was crucial in gaining the confidence of stakeholders and showcasing the platform’s capabilities.

Incorta’s platform was used to build and deploy various analytics solutions, including sales, revenue, procurement, and financial analytics. The platform’s ability to ingest data directly from multiple sources, harmonize it, and make it available for advanced analytics and machine learning was instrumental in achieving PlayPower’s goals.

Cutting reporting time in half with ease

PlayPower now had a single pane of glass to view and manage – enabling fast, agile decision-making. The time to deploy analytics solutions was also drastically reduced. For instance, the financial analytics implementation – which involved data from 15 sources, was completed in under six months: a fraction of the time it would have taken with traditional ETL tools.

Real-time insights into financial health were now available daily rather than only at the end of the month. The success of the initial implementations allowed PlayPower to quickly scale analytics capabilities to other areas of the business, such as operations and profitability analytics. PlayPower transformed a fragmented data landscape into a unified, agile system, empowering them to better serve their customers and drive long-term business success. 

To learn more, watch the full discussion on demand here.