
Mobilizing Operational GenAI with Effortless Model Serving & Fine-Tuning from aiXplain

According to a recent MIT Tech Review report, all 600 CIOs surveyed stated they are increasing their investment in AI—71% are planning to build their custom Large Language Models(LLMs) or other GenAI models. Despite this, many organizations struggle to successfully implement their GenAI initiatives because they lack access to live, up-to-date data for their models.

Successfully deploying GenAI models to any area of your organization requires a strong data foundation—access to fresh, detailed data while preserving security and compliance. For Incorta’s first Operational GenAI offering, Nexus, we’ve joined forces with partner aiXplain to integrate their industry-leading model serving and fine-tuning capabilities – helping customers easily mobilize their GenAI initiatives.

Simplified model serving & fine-tuning for Operational GenAI

For operational GenAI systems, efficient model serving ensures that these models can be deployed reliably at scale. Fine-tuning enables continuous improvement and adaptation, allowing the models to stay up-to-date in dynamic environments. With aiXplain, you can simplify your AI workflows, generate predictions, and gain insights on structured and unstructured data within Incorta’s secure environment, ensuring scalability and governance.

Model Serving: Once a GenAI model is trained, it needs to be deployed into production environments where it can generate outputs in real-time or on demand. Efficient and scalable model serving ensures the model can handle varying workloads and provide quick responses.

Fine-tuning: GenAI models require continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving data. Fine-tuning involves adjusting the model’s parameters or architecture based on new data or feedback. This iterative process helps maintain the model’s relevance and accuracy over time.

aiXplain + Incorta: the best data foundation meets the best AI models

aiXplain’s model serving capabilities ensure that Incorta’s GenAI models can be scaled, allowing them to handle large requests from users or other systems. This scalability is crucial for ensuring consistent performance and responsiveness, especially in environments with high demand – providing:

  • Real-time Insights: By leveraging aiXplain for model serving, Incorta Nexus can provide users with real-time insights and explanations based on the latest data. This enables faster decision-making and more agile responses to changing business conditions, enhancing Incorta’s overall operational efficiency.
  • Continuous Improvement: aiXplain’s fine-tuning capabilities enable Incorta Nexus to improve its GenAI models over time continuously. By incorporating user feedback and monitoring model performance, Incorta can refine its models to better meet its customers’ needs and adapt to evolving requirements.
  • Adaptability to Data Changes: With fine-tuning from aiXplain, Incorta’s GenAI models can adapt to data patterns or changes in user behavior. This ensures the models remain relevant and accurate in dynamic environments, providing more reliable insights and recommendations to Incorta’s users.

Leveraging model serving and fine-tuning capabilities from aiXplain enhances Incorta Nexus: enabling scalable deployment, real-time insights, continuous improvement, and adaptability to changing data and business conditions.

Incorta Nexus through the lens of a CFO: Enhancing Profitability Margin Analysis

As a CFO, you are responsible for your company’s profitability margin. If there’s any noticeable decline in the operating income margin, it’s up to you to determine if this decline is attributed to internal inefficiencies or external market factors.

Traditionally, this analysis involves extensive, time-consuming, and error-prone manual work, including data extraction from various operational systems, manual calculations, and scouring available competitors’ financial reports.

Using Incorta Nexus, CFOs can leverage the platform’s ability to integrate and analyze structured and unstructured data in real-time:

  1. Initial Query on Operating Income Margin:
    • The CFO asks a simple question about the operating income margin for the last two years.
    • Incorta Nexus processes this query by scanning all relevant operational data and returning the required information. The trend is displayed in a clear, easy-to-understand chart.
  2. Adding to Dashboard:
    • The CFO adds this chart to a dashboard with a single click, enabling easy access and ongoing monitoring of this key metric.
  3. Competitor Analysis:
    • The CFO asks about competitors’ operating income margins to determine if the margin decrease is due to market conditions.
    • Incorta Nexus scours thousands of pages of competitors’ reports, including unstructured data such as PDFs and financial filings, to provide a comparative analysis.
    • The results show that a competitor’s operating income margin decreased from 10% to 5%, suggesting a potential market-wide issue.
  4. Deep Dive into Competitor Data:
    • Further investigation reveals the competitor’s margin decrease was due to a one-time $2 billion charge related to regulatory compliance issues.
    • This insight is crucial – as it indicates that the competitor’s margin decrease is not due to internal operational inefficiencies.
  5. Internal Analysis:
    • The CFO then focuses on the company’s data – specifically the cost of goods sold (COGS), gross margin, and other operating expenses.
    • Incorta Nexus provides a detailed breakdown, revealing that the main issue is a significant increase in compensation costs – which rose from 24% to 31% of sales – overshadowing efficiency gains in materials and freight.
  6. Detailed Transaction-Level Insights:
    • By querying further, the CFO can uncover that the increase in compensation costs was due to higher merit increases and unplanned hires.
    • This level of detail is achieved without requiring manual data compilation, enabling the CFO to quickly pinpoint the root cause of margin compression.

With comprehensive insights provided instantly by Incorta Nexus, CFOs can confidently present the findings to the board, highlighting the cause of margin decrease and providing strategic insights –  such as reviewing compensation policies and controlling hiring practices –  to improve profitability margins.

  • Time Savings: The entire analysis, which traditionally takes a week or more, is completed in hours.
  • Accuracy and Detail: Access to transaction-level data ensures precise and actionable insights.
  • Real-Time Analysis: The CFO can continuously monitor and analyze data, providing ongoing strategic input.

With Incorta Nexus, the possibilities are truly limitless. Through our partnership with aiXplain our customers not only unlock new levels of efficiency and agility but also fortify the foundation for future growth and innovation in future operational GenAI initiatives. 

To see this demo live & aiXplain’s full session at Incorta NoLimits, watch here on-demand.